(register.txt - ver 2) ALLISON SOFTWARE's MAPIT Registration Form Please send me - the 590MB detailed version of MAPIT 2 on CD-ROM - a 150 page MAPIT Users Manual - 3 month's free product support via phone/mail/CompuServe - prompt notice of updates and new offerings Call for prices on multiple copies: _ MAPIT 2.0 on CD-ROM $ 59 ____ Shipping and Handling: US $ 5 Canadian/Mexican $ 7 or Overseas $10 ____ ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBTOTAL _____ Pennsylvania resident add 6% sales tax. ($3.84) _____ ============= TOTAL $ ______ (US) Payment must be in US FUNDS by check drawn on a US BANK made payable to "Allison Software", by International money order, or by MasterCard or VISA __ __ __ |__| Check Enclosed |__| VISA |__| MasterCard Name on card (printed): _____________________________________________ Card # _______________________________________ Exp. date ___________ Signature: _______________________________________________ Ship to: Send payment with order to: Or Email this form in confidence via e-mail (credit card orders only) to: Allison Software 166 Shady Lane jallison@kiski.net Apollo, PA 15613 USA Thank you for your business. Where did you obtain Shareware MAPIT? How will you use MAPIT? What improvements or extensions would you like to see in MAPIT?